Modelo Live Ofrenda

Modelo celebrates Día de los Muertos by enabling fans to pay homage to the dead via Facebook Live.
We created a crowdsourced ofrenda (shrine to honor the deceased) on Olvera Street — the birthplace of Mexican culture in Los Angeles. Viewers from around the world participated in real-time by submitting names of loved ones as offerings. Marigolds, candles, sugar skulls and Modelo bottles quickly filled the tiers of our ofrenda as submission rolled in.

A Facebook Chat Bot was developed to educate our general market viewers about the holiday and gather user-created offerings to be placed on the ofrenda.

We also created the first ever Spanish-to-English translation Snapchat Lens as part of the interactive experience. We let people look death in the face and celebrate a life well lived.
With over 17 million uses and 33 million impressions, the lens surpassed our benchmark by 66%. With a 16.59 second average unique playtime, we also surpassed the 7-10 second average and looped for an average of 2 times.

14 unique assets. Over 40,000 Facebook Live views. 75 million impressions. Modelo contributed more dollar growth than our competitors during Día de los Muertos to the tune of $32 million total.